Some words from Chechen's
" We are crazy because we have to be crazy "
" The term "crazy" is a definition of being abnormal and the ordinary people call them "crazy" to describe the Noxhcy's difference from the ordinary "
" it is a sin for a noxcho guy to be shown scared or unmanly "
" it is a big shame to be a lier that's why we always say the truth "
" The line between being genious and being crazy is too thin "
" Noxhcy are full of energy and are eager to act so while the ordinary people sit and wait and think, Noxchy act "
" One example: When 100 people are insulted by an offender force and when 99 of that 100 are afraid but 1 is not afraid and attacks the insulter, the other 99 cowards call their action as normal and call the 1 honourable one "crazy". "
" it is a shame for a noxcho to show his pain "
" there'll always be a seed to grow "
" Noxhcy are intelligent, full of energy, distinguished individuals and different from the ordinary people so Noxhcy are called "avdul" :-) "
" lol why are we crazy?
coz we grew up in mountains...... "" coz our parents raised us to respect elders and value a true friend "
" because inside in our hearts we believe in love and honor
maybe because we get mad fast "" because we have blood that nobody can take away and that blood wont allow us
to stay calm "
" because the love in the eyes of an elder mother is stronger than anything
else in the world "